Environmental Statement
The Davis Group of Companies Corp.® is committed to the use of environmentally friendly materials and practices in the manufacture of their products.
In support of this, the company is committed to and practices the three R's, "Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle" in the daily operation of the company's facilities.
The manufacturing operations are focused on reducing scrap or defective items and each employee has a stake in eliminating or reducing internal spoilage or waste. This focus has consistently reduced internal spoilage over the past 5 years and we now strive to provide our customers with “0” defects.
When waste material and product is generated, the company has actively engaged in practices that allow for its efficient reuse. In support of these practices:
The company recycles all paper-based products including office paper, chipboard, corrugated boxes and packaging with a local recycler.
Polypropylene, vinyl and other related materials are recycled through a local company that recycles these materials back into new useful materials and products.
Any defective or spoiled ring metals are recycled through a local metal recycler.
All components utilized to manufacture our products consist of the following:
All of the solid board used in our products is made with 100% recycled paper fibers containing approximately 90% Post Consumer Waste.
In keeping with our commitment to use environmental friendly materials we have recently converted a large portion of our commercial and educational products to a “PVC Free” Polypropylene material, which is a more environmentally friendly material.
The rivets used to fasten the ring, metals, clips, etc. are made from 100% recycled metal.
All of the cartons used to ship our products are manufactured from 100% recycled materials containing 70-75% recycled corrugated containers (OCC) and 25-30% Post Consumer Waste.
Cartons derived from various incoming materials are recycled back through a local company, which in turn supplies product to the moving industry.
All of the skids utilized to ship our products are purchased from suppliers that recondition these items from used and/or recycled material